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Youtopia 2015 had roughly the same population as Youtopia 2014, but the event had grown quickly for several years before that. That rapid growth caused some concerns about maintaining the unique culture of the event, and much Facebook grumbling about “all those new people”.
As it turns out, in 2015 55.6% of Youtopians had previously attended the San Diego Regional Burn. Here is a breakdown of the years that survey responders had attended Youtopia:
We also asked what years people had previously attended the big burn (61.9% had attended at least once):
Of course, some of the people who were new to Youtopia had been to Burning Man before, and some who have never been to Burning Man in Nevada had done it in San Diego in previous years. All together, more than three quarters of Youtopia 2015 attendees had previously been to Burning Man or Youtopia.