Favorite Things 2015
Here are the questions about favorite and least favorite things about Youtopia as they appeared on the Dada Scientist Census:
You may notice that there is not an “all of the above option”. Despite this, 28% of respondents decided to either check all of the boxes or write in some variation on “everything” for their favorite thing. People fucking loved this event!
Here are peoples’ favorite things about Youtopia 2015:
With a total of just 5% choosing “Music” or “Partying”, I think it is safe to say Youtopia is much more than a party / music festival.
Peoples’ least favorite things about Youtopia were much more diverse, and people made heavy use of the “other” category, so I ended up making some new categories.
“Nature” included “Bugs”, “poison oak”, “mosquitos”, “bees”, “wasps”, “weather”, “spiders”, “dirt”, “dust” and many more.
“Social Justice Warriors”, “Creepy Photographers”, “Ameture partyers”, “kids”, “Dada Scientists” and similar were put into “Specific People“.
The most diverse category was “Something Missing“. The most common was “no showers” and the best was “Lack of a crystal hippie massage acroyoga zone”. This was the only category where the author felt like people sounded like self-entitled assholes (“no cell phone service”, “not enough things to climb” or “not enough beer”).
The “Logistics” category include “Poor directional size or lack thereof”, “Gate hours”, “Parking” and such.
“Personal Choices” consisted mainly of being hung over.
Least favorite things like “No Love”, “rude!” and “Weird vibe :(” were put into “Vibe“.
People who indicated that music was their least favorite thing at Youtopia often left notes to clarify. Those notes were of all different types, from “too loud” to “MORE SOUNDSTAGES PLZ.” to “Not enough diversity of styles” to naming a specific sound camp.